Monday, January 24, 2011

New Light Fixture

This weekend Bryan and I bought a new light fixture for over our dining room table (which is also new - well new to us, we bought it on craigslist). I didn't know I could get so excited over a light fixture but I am!! But I feel like we are living in the book "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie"! Every new thing that we buy sparks something else that we need. First we bought chairs, then we needed a table to go with the chairs, then we needed a light fixture to go over the chairs. Now we need a rug to go under the table, and then we will need something to go on the table....and don't even get me started on the rest of the house!

We are so thankful for our little house. We loving having a place that we can call our own and decorate any way that we want.


Oh My Lou said...

Love the light!!! That would be so fun to do whatever you want to your place!

Unknown said...

Where is the notice for my help putting up that stupid thing. you know i almost blew bryan and I up right? whatevers love you